Build interoperable, geospatial, solutions with OGC Standards
Providing a consistent way for different systems to interoperate and share geospatial data.
Enabling applications to more easily access and use geospatial data from a wide variety of sources.
Made by developers, for developers.
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curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/geo+json'

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Each Standard addresses a specific type of geospatial data or associated resources. Interfaces define how services can access the data, while encodings define the structure and organisation of data formats and messaging protocols. Browse the list bellow to find the one that matches your needs.


Interface Standards provide rules that determine the operations in a server client architecture. For instance web mapping applications, or Web GIS, fit into this pattern where an interface is used to request maps to a map service provider.


OGC API - Tiles

Interface for tiles of geospatial information (e.g.: vector data, maps or coverages).


OGC API - Features

Interface for feature data.


OGC SensorThings API

Interface for spatially enabled IoT devices, data and applications.


OGC API - Records

Interface for discovering and querying metadata about geospatial resources (e.g.: catalogue).


OGC API - Maps

Interface for maps, customized using parameters (e.g.: dimensions, background, coordinate reference system).


OGC API - Styles

Interface for styles for rendering geospatial data.


OGC API - Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS)

Interface for data organised according to a hierarchical tessellation of zones to partition and address the globe.


OGC API - 3D GeoVolumes

Interface for 3D geospatial data.


OGC API - Environmental Data Retrieval (EDR)

Interface for sampling data about the natural or built environment, using a spatio-temporal query pattern.


OGC API - Processes

Interface for wrapping computational tasks into executable processes. Processes include well-defined algorithms that ingest vector and/or coverage data to produce new datasets.


OGC API - Coverages

Interface for accessing homogeneous collections of values located in space/time (e.g.: coverages). A satellite image is an example of a gridded coverage.


OGC API - Moving Features

Interface to access representations of Moving Features.


OGC API - Routes

Interface to request routes in a manner independent of the underlying routing data set, routing engine or algorithm.


OGC API - Joins

Interface to join data from input files with tabular data from other sources.



Looking for the previous generation of OGC Web Services (e.g.: WFS, WMTS, WMS)?

Still don't find what you are looking for?Try the OGC API configurator.


Data Encoding Standards provide the rules for structuring and organising geospatial data for use in a given context.They apply to binary formats (e.g.: GeoTIFF), as well as human-readable formats (e.g.: JSON).



If you are using GeoJSON, but your data is not in WGS84, be sure to check this encoding. OGC Features and Geometries JSON extends GeoJSON, in order to overcome some of its limitations.



Columnar geospatial format, based on Apache Parquet. It enables interoperability between cloud data warehouses.


Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG)

If you work with imagery and grid coverage data on the web, you could check out this format; backwards compatible with GeoTIFF.



GeoPackage lets you store different types of geospatial information (e.g.: vector data, attributes, metadata, styles) in a single container.


If you want learn more about the conceptual part of OGC API, try these learning resources.

You may also want to check

Definitions Server

The OGC Definitions Server is a web accessible source of information about things ("Concepts") the OGC defines or that communities ask the OGC to host on their behalf (e.g.: technical terms from application schemas).

Location building blocks

Maybe you don't need a complete OGC API, or you need to mix multiple OGC APIs. The OGC APIs are developed in discrete building blocks , which you can mix & match to spatially enable your existing APIs.

Compliance and Certification

The OGC Compliance program provides the tools to test your implementation and make sure it is compliant to the Standard. If you want to take your application to the next level, you can apply for a compliance certification.


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Collaborative and inclusive events to support the development of open geospatial Standards, and projects that implement those Standards.

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Who is behind the OGC Standards?

OGC Standards are developed through a member-driven consensus process, which creates royalty free, publicly available, open geospatial standards. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is the organisation which drives this process. It is supported by an active community of members, with involvement from a large range of organizations, as well as smaller ones. Join OGC today!